WELCOME TO RUTHIE'S PARLOUR LOVELY ONE! Before we get straight into the topic, I would like to use this opportunity to thank all my readers for their tremendous support till now. It hasn't been easy sincerely, but your advice and prayers keep me going. God bless you and may you have a great read! One hot climate, as the residue of the street has assumed control over the genuine shade of the vehicle, it should be "repainted" in other for it to return to its proper look...Lol. This time around, our 'paint' to be utilized was a blend of water and a detergent. Consequently,we took it straight to the washing bay. Various workers were found there going all over in order to wrap up with the current work they were doing. There is one thing I understood with one worker. He worked energetically and enthusiastically. He made sure that each side of the vehicle was contacted with the blend to eliminate any dirt from the vehicle. I was scrutinizing the way that he was s...
WELCOME TO RUTHIE'S PARLOUR LOVELY ONE Heya! it's a new day, it is another moment to share with you another captivating topic. I can't tell if either the topic or the illustration on the flyer triggered some sort of idea as far as you are concerned. If yes, that's very great. If no, don't cry over this since I am just going to tell you what it's all about. Thanks for accepting my invitation into my parlour, your parlour, our parlour. Together, we shall learn and unlearn as we explore. Enjoy this one. Okay. Mr or Miss perfect, tell me you've never made any mistake in life ever since your childhood days. That Mathematics test regarding multiplication you had wrong and later on realized you miscalculated was damn heartbreaking right? You probably said to yourself, never would you repeat such mistake in the subsequent texts. You really are going to critically calculate it well the next time. Never bother if you don't...