Hello my lovely reader, you know what? I jubilate over the fact that you've waited patiently for the continuation of this educative writeup. If you've not been able to read the first episode, kindly do that and if you've probably forgotten what you read the last time, a little recap would do. Have fun as you read this too.
I strongly believe that about 95% of our lives come from the programs of thoughts in our minds (subconscious mind). That is why poor people mostly stay poor and rich people stay rich. i.e. if they never change the perspective of their thinking process. And the idea is this; before you become conscious, you are supposed to have programs of life embedded in your mind. If you don’t have any programs, what are you going to be conscious of? So, nature makes the first 7 years of your life the kind of programs that you require to live on this planet. How do you get them? You just watch, listen and learn. You watch your parents. You watch your siblings. You watch your society and your community. This is because you have to learn just to be a functional member of society.
Now, let’s get into Scriptures. The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7 that; For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he: What does this Scripture mean? When the Bible talks about the heart, it is not the physical organ in our thoracic cavity pumping blood to our organs but rather the inner (soul/the content of our mind). Meaning, whatever you think (meditate upon), you become. This clearly tells us that you can never be different from your thinking. Let us also see what Paul the Apostle, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote in Romans 12:2; And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. The word transformed in this verse was translated from the Greek word metamorphic, which means to be transfigured from one form to another. This Scripture all clearly tells us that our transformation is solely dependent on the renewing of our minds. Whatever you want to transform your life to, you renew your mind to tune in the same perspective of that which you want to transform into.
So, now what do we?
What we need to do is to change our thinking processes. What we need to do is to put new programs in our subconscious mind. The conscious mind is creative and learns in a different number of ways; like reading a self-book, going to lectures, listening to programs. When you do this, the conscious mind gets some awareness. But the subconscious mind doesn’t learn that way. The subconscious mind learns in two ways: repetition and practice. If you want to learn how to drive a car, you need to get in the seat, put in the key, start the car and practice how to drive a car. You want to learn the English alphabets? You have to repeat it several times before it gets into your subconscious mind.
It is time we start thinking right. It is time we start meditating on the right stuff. It is time we replace those toxic beliefs and ideas with positive and healthy thoughts. Do you know why the Bible always encourages believers to meditate on the Word of God? It is because God wants to change our thinking processes. He wants to give us visions of life. He wants us to act according to the Word so we become prosperous in whatever we do. If a different image tries to distort what you are seeing, reject it. If you see yourself failing, say no to that image! Keep your mind’s eyes focused on things that are consistent with success and prosperity. Use your power of vision to create what you want in your job, business, ministry, family, health, finances-in anything at all that concerns you.
Thanks for reading. Please leave a message in the comment section if you enjoyed this inspiring and educative writeup. Catch you next week God willing.
1.Mora, C., Tittensor, D. P., Adl, S., Simpson, A. G. B. & Worm, B. PLoS Biol. 9, e1001127 (2011). Article: Number of Species on Earth tagged at 8.7 million. Google Scholar
2. How're programmed at birth.. dr Bruce Lipton
3. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. Dd. As A Man Thinketh
Copyright © 2020 Ruthie's Parlour
Inspiring and motivational 💯
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