WELCOME TO RUTHIE'S PARLOUR Hello my lovely reader, you know what? I jubilate over the fact that you've waited patiently for the continuation of this educative writeup. If you've not been able to read the first episode, kindly do that and if you've probably forgotten what you read the last time, a little recap would do. Have fun as you read this too. I strongly believe that about 95% of our lives come from the programs of thoughts in our minds (subconscious mind). That is why poor people mostly stay poor and rich people stay rich. i.e. if they never change the perspective of their thinking process. And the idea is this; before you become conscious, you are supposed to have programs of life embedded in your mind. If you don’t have any programs, what are you going to be conscious of? So, nature makes the first 7 years of your life the kind of programs that you require to live on this planet. How do you get them? You just watch, listen and learn. You watch your parents. Yo...
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